
Annual changes to standard terms determination and related pricing for copper services are now effective

Following the announcement on 14 November 2019, the annual STD related copper price changes are now effective.

Changes to annual final pricing principles (FPP) service recurring charges, non-recurring standard terms determinations (STD) charges and any consequential changes to our commercial charges for colocation and baseband take effect from today the 16 December 2019.

What’s changing?

The Commerce Commission’s final FPP decisions set annual price changes to the recurring charges for the following services:

  • Unbundled bitstream access (UBA)
  • Unbundled copper local loop (UCLL)
  • Unbundled copper low frequency (UCLFS)
  • Sub loop unbundling (SLU).

The Commerce Commission also approved on 14 November 2019 a number of price changes for the non-recurring charges for our regulated copper services to allow for adjustments in line with movements in labour cost inflation, producer price inflation and Chorus’ input costs. Those changes impact the following STD services:

  • UBA
  • UBA backhaul
  • UCLL
  • UCLL and UCFLS co-location
  • UCLL and UCFLS backhaul
  • SLU
  • SLU co-location
  • SLU backhaul.


Our pricing rate card and Chorus service agreement price lists are now updated to reflect the new prices before the effective date of each price change (16 December 2018) and the price book will reflect the new prices in the month of each price change.

You can also review the relevant approval for the change and updated STD contracts on the Commerce Commission website.


For any queries please contact your Account manager.

You'll find a copy of this update on the service provider website.