
8G Hyperfibre footprint expansion

As part of our efforts to continue to scale Hyperfibre and optimise the Chorus network, we are continuing to upgrade exchange equipment (POLTs) with 100G backhaul so that we can offer Hyperfibre 8000 in more areas.  

As of 4 April 2023, we can now offer Hyperfibre 8000 in the following 12 exchanges in addition to the 31 exchanges that already had this capability. This means that there are now 43 exchanges in total where you can order Hyperfibre 8000. A full list can be found here.

Auckland South Island North Island Wellington 
Manukau City - MKY South Dunedin - SOD Hastings - HBN Alicetown - ATN 
Mt Roskill - MTL Invercargill - IN John F Kennedy Dr. - JFK Stokes Valley - SV 
Pukekohe - PUK Invercargill East - INE Lynmore - LYE  
Takapuna - TNA    



If you have any questions regarding this, please get in touch with your account team.