
NGA On Application (NOA)

NGA On Application (NOA) process


NGA On Application (NOA) is a process we use to extend the NGA network in other LFC areas, or Non-UFB areas. These requests require a bespoke design and build. 


How do I know that my request will be NOA? 

There are a couple of ways to tell if your request will fall into our NOA process. 

Check the address in Chorus Coverage maps tool and whether it is covered by Chorus UFB, UFB2.

Scenario 1: 

Your customer has built a new house on the outskirts of Kinloch, and our UFB area only covers Kinloch.


Scenario 2: 

Your customer works from a business park in Lake Tarawera. The business park is fed by copper but your customer has a need for an NGA connection. 


Scenario 3:

You enter the address into Chorus Portal and the Network and Location Information shows the Fibre Availability Status as Unplanned, and the Product Offer Zone as Non-UFB.   

Chorus Portal returns a message that “Fibre is not available at this location. Please proceed to submit customer order for manual feasibility.”

Chorus Portal image

When you submit your NGA order we will perform a manual feasibility to check how we can deliver fibre to the address.  

If we identify that you will need an NOA request, we will cancel the order, and send a manual cancellation notification. This will advise you that a NOA request is required for a bespoke design and quote.  


Validate your address

You will need to validate your end-user's address. You can either check it in Chorus Portal, or Chorus Coverage Maps.  


Email our pre-sales team 

Send an email to NOA Presales with the validated address and GPS coordinates if required. If there is no building at the property, or you are providing GPS coordinates, please supply the following additional information: 

  • DP & Lot No 
  • End User (If possible) 
  • If multiple buildings are at the site, provide a map or screenshot showing where the service should terminate 
  • If this is a new build, has it been completed? And if not, when will it be? 


NOA_Presales response  

Our team will check the request and provide an estimate, a reference number, and guidance on the next steps. We aim to provide this within 7 days of receipt of your email.   

Our estimate is valid for 90days. 


Submit an order 

If you wish to proceed, you can then submit an order into Chorus Portal. You will need to create a new address if there is not one already in Chorus Portal. 

Enter our reference number provided by the NOA Presales team into the Location of Equipment field.  


Next steps 

When the order has been placed into Chorus Portal we will provide you a formal quote which you can accept or reject. This escalation process can be followed if needed once you have submitted your order in Chorus Portal.

If the quote is accepted the network build work will commence.  

Once the Service Company have completed the build and updated the records, the order will be scheduled for the final installation.  


Bulk orders 

If you have a need for service to more than 1 site, it's easiest if you either send one email per address request, or you can email our team and they will provide you with a spreadsheet to complete. We will then process the requests and provide estimates, reference numbers, and guidance on the next steps. 

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