
Fibre on demand estimate process

We often get contacted by end-users who are outside our fibre areas, enquiring as to when fibre will be available at their property. Where these customers are outside our planned fibre build areas, we currently refer them to their broadband service provider if they would like a quote for a customised fibre install.  

Going forward, we intend to start offering these customers a cost estimate for fibre to be installed to their property. If the customer decides to proceed and get a confirmed quote, we will then advise them to contact their broadband service provider.  

This will help to reduce the frustration that some customers reportedly experience in trying to get a cost indication, and also reduce the effort required investigating fibre as an option for customers who are not willing to pay for the required build.  


What this means for you

From 15 May 2024, you may start to be contacted by end-users who have already received an estimate for how much it will cost them to get fibre installed to their property.  

When we provide them an estimate, we’re suggesting they forward our response email to you, which will have a reference number associated.  

Otherwise, the process hasn’t changed which is:

  • First email our NOA Presales team (and provide our reference number for the initial estimate if you have one).  
  • We will complete some checks and confirm the estimate value.  
  • If your customer would like to proceed, you can then place an order in Chorus Portal and we will provide a confirmed quote.  

The above steps are also outlined on NGA On Application (NOA).



Please refer to your account team should you require any further information.