
Fibre Ordering

Fibre APIs

Fibre APIs

Our Fibre APIs enable you to enhance your customer experience and do business with us more efficiently. These are a modular suite of APIs, which enable full end-to-end fibre ordering capability and support industry standards and best practices.

Explore our Fibre APIs

Streamline fibre ordering with our APIs

Follow the ordering journey with our APIs and discover how our Fibre APIs can improve the way your business interacts with ours.


Migrating from B2B web services to Fibre APIs

If you're migrating from B2B web services to the new Fibre APIs, the following information is provided as a guide to assist you with migration. This includes information on Fibre API adoption and dependencies, security, and decommissioning.

Download the Migration from B2B to Fibre APIs map (PDF)

Download the B2B to Fibre API parameter and attribute mappings (PDF)

B2B decommissioning

B2B web services will remain available until the end of the decommissioning notice period, which ends on 25 September 2025. We have successfully replicated B2B capability within all the new Fibre APIs, and they are now considered stable.

API adoption

The Fibre APIs can be adopted either as a complete set, or individually with the remaining operations being performed either by the APIs, B2B web services or the Chorus Portal.  

The key identifiers, such as Place ID and Order ID remain the same, regardless of the interaction channel you’re using. Order notifications will continue to be sent through to the subscribed channels.

Learn more about expected timeframes for delivery

API and B2B interoperability considerations

Where the fibre ordering process flow is interrupted by partial adoption of the Fibre APIs, then your current process flow will need to be updated.

Place and Product Offering APIs

Initially, you can perform operations via these APIs, and then use either the Chorus Portal or B2B web services for other operations on an order.

Order Feasibility API

If order feasibility is managed by the API and subsequent order management functions are managed via the B2B web services, then there are additional requirements for input parameters that need to be considered for interoperability:

  • While the Order Feasibility API output provides most of the key input parameters for the Create Order web service, it does not provide all required parameters for B2B.
    Example parameters:
    • Orderitem - ID
    • Orderitem - action
  • The Create Order web service needs to use the output of Query Order web service to obtain the missing input parameters.
  • These parameters can then be used to construct the input payload for the create order B2B web service.

Note: The Order Feasibility API no longer returns the available connect or disconnect RFS date times, as agreed during the co-design process. In order to obtain these details, use the Query Appointment B2B web service or Manage Appointment API.

Manage Appointment, Manage Order and Order Notification APIs

Updates to appointments, which were previously managed by the Amend Order B2B web service (with an amendOrderType of APPOINTMENT), are now supported by the Manage Appointment API using the PUT /rfsAppointment and /siteVisitAppointment endpoints.

Any orders managed via B2B, can also be managed by the Fibre APIs.

Regardless of the channel used to create an order, all order notifications will continue to be sent through your existing notification channels.

Synchronous and asynchronous behaviour

The Fibre APIs are synchronous in behaviour compared to the B2B web services, which are asynchronous in their response.

Frequently asked questions