
Sub-loop Extension Service (SLES)

Technical specifications

How it works

The service provides a copper connection from equipment you have installed in an unbundled exchange to a cabinet, where it can then connect to a sub-loop UCLL service to deliver services to your customers. It supports any voice, data or internet applications that can be delivered over a copper connection.

However, bear in mind that that the cabinet broadband equipment may degrade ADSL services provided from exchange equipment (DSLAM).


This service is usually available from our nationwide network of exchanges, where there is a copper cable running between the exchange and the cabinet subtended from the exchange.

Please check with your  Account Manager if you would like more information on a particular exchange.

To get this service, you will first need to work with us through the ‘pre-requisites’ mentioned in the Sub-loop Extension Service commercial services agreement. All the appropriate information guides and training will follow.