
We’d love your feedback on our gig product naming.

We have a shared goal of getting customers on to higher speed fibre plans. To complement your retail advertising we are creating a gig-speed focussed campaign that is aimed at normalising and creating desire for gig-speed, targeted at families.

In the process of building this campaign we have reviewed how the gig-speed product is messaged at retail and found a lot of variance.

For our activity to be effective and support the market we need to ensure that there is clarity between what we are promoting and the choices customers have when purchasing through providers.

We have looked at key commonalities across the market and have two proposed names that we’d like your feedback on.

  1. Read through our proposal pack which takes you through our process, proposed approaches and a preview of the campaign.
  2. Provide feedback on our gig product naming proposal via the feedback form here.

Please contact Kate Murchison if you have any questions.

Consultation closes 5pm, Wednesday 17 July 2019.