
Wanaka has fibre!

Fibre has been laid past over 200 addresses in central Wanaka and you can now order services.

What's happening?

Further to our media release dated 24 November, we have been laying fibre in Wanaka’s central business district and more than 200 addresses will now return a positive result in pre-qualification and are ready to order NGAservices.  

The shapefile for Wanaka is in our public map (

The Wanaka CBD now has fibre

What's the detail?

Effective immediately all NGA plans are available in Wanaka and can be ordered through the Chorus Portal or our Online Order and Tracking system (OO&T). 

The Chorus Coverage Maps have been updated to include the addresses where NGA is available in Wanaka and the positive pre-qualification report details the addresses that are available. To view the addresses in the coverage maps, select Chorus reports>product availability>NGA 13-Apr-15. This will add the green dots to the map.

Who do I contact?

For more information talk to your account manager.