
UFB price changes by reference to CPI are now effective

On 6 July, after consulting with you, we announced our decision to proceed with the UFB price changes by reference to CPI from 1 October 2020.


What’s happening

The CPI price changes are now active and have been updated to reflect all UFB services other than those we’d previously indicated would be out of scope, namely: 

  • Hyperfibre
  • Fibre Max (Gig) – Consumer Max 500 2.5-2.5 and SME Max 500 2.5-2.5
  • Small Business Fibre
  • Tail Extension Service (TES)
  • Enhanced Bitstream 4 – a 2.5% CPI increase will be applied to the 100Mbps access price only (i.e. no increase to 1G access price or bandwidth prices). There was a reduction in bandwidth pricing for Enhanced Bitstream 4.
  • HSNS – a 2.5% CPI increase will be applied to the 100Mbps and 1G access prices only (i.e. no increase to bandwidth prices).

You can check out a full list of the fibre services to which these price changes apply here.

It is important to note there will be no backdating of these price increases to 1 July 2020.


You’ll find the updated rate cards and price changes on our update page and under the ‘pricing’ tab of the ‘support’ section of each of the products impacted. 


Next steps & contact

Retail service providers will receive their first invoices reflecting the CPI price changes in the 27th September billing cycle.

For any queries please contact your Account Lead or Service Delivery Manager at first instance.