
Smart Location (NBAP) connections

Taking fibre to Smart Location, also known as (Non-Building Access Points - NBAPs) is an important part of our service offer. From traffic monitoring via CCTV to digital billboards to ATMs, smart city infrastructure as it’s also known, is now an important part of our urban environments.

In recognition of the growing demand for connectivity for this sort of infrastructure, we have created public facing content on specifically focused on Smart Locations.

We will also soon update our Service Provider Website content with richer information including use cases and a new ordering form.

What’s happening

As the first step to improve the Smart Location process, we have launched new content on our public Chorus webpage - We intend to generate warm leads via a registration of interest form on the webpage which will be handed over to the customer’s Service Provider.


As you would be aware, the technical requirements of Smart Location connections and the fact they do not have a specific address, means often a customised or bespoke connectivity solution is required. 

Capturing details up front, provides the opportunity to understand the customer requirements and scope of the job early. Then, when the Service Provider starts the order process, critical information on the location is already captured allowing a more efficient delivery of the solution with a better end-customer experience.

Next steps & contact

The opportunity exists for you to receive warm leads from Chorus for Smart Location connections.

If you’d like to take up that opportunity, please contact your Chorus Account Lead or Account Manager.