
Share your feedback on a potential new business product

Small to Medium Enterprises (SME’s) represent 97% of all New Zealand businesses. Ref. Ministry of Business Innovation & Employment (MBIE)

The following Chorus business products predominantly cater for this segment of the market:

  • NGA Evolve (Bitstream 2 Business)
    NGA Evolve provides entry level fibre broadband to businesses, speeds up to ~1Gb (*)/500Mb, any connection issues resolved by 7pm on the following day (**).
  • NGA Business (Bitstream 3/a)
    NGA Business provides greater speeds – low class traffic up to 1Gb (*)symmetrical, high class traffic up to 100Mb symmetrical, a better provisioning experience and prioritised resolution of faults – including restoration within 1 day(**).

We’ve recently undertaken business research, aimed at key decision makers within businesses across New Zealand. Key insights show that businesses:

  • have a high dependency on technology and hence require any connection outage to be restored quickly,
  • on a business fibre plan are more satisfied than businesses on a consumer fibre plan,
  • on fibre are more satisfied than those on copper.

What’s happening?

We are looking at developing a new business product targeting New Zealand SME’s:

  • the new product would offer similar features to Bitstream 2 but also include ‘restoration within 1 day’ (**) service level,
  • it would  provide three access speed variants e.g. 100Mb down/100Mb up, 200/200, 1/1 Gb (*),
  • the new product is likely to be offered at pricing between Bitstream 2 Business and Bitstream 3.

Next steps

Your account lead will get in touch with you between now and 21 November to get your feedback on this potential new product.



(*)  In practice, due to network overheads, the service you get from your broadband provider should achieve peak download speeds above 900Mb when you do a speed test.


(**)    Enterprise services for which downtime reported to Chorus: