
NGA Business Premium Prototyping

Informer 363: 13 May 2016

From late June 2016 you’re welcome to participate in the Co-Innovation prototype testing of our proposed Next Generation Access (NGA) Business Premium product. 

What's happening?

The NGA Business Premium prototype is a new Bitstream 4 product that includes enhanced features, such as Low Traffic Class, MEF compliance, OAM and logical diversity, which have been included as a direct result of customer and industry feedback.

To help ensure the final product is optimised for your business needs, you’re invited to fine-tune and validate these features as part of our Co-Innovation prototyping.

What's the detail?

Our HSNS Premium product meets the current Bitstream 4 service description. However, requests for enhancements, along with product and network lifecycle requirements, have lead us to develop a baseline prototype for a new Bitstream 4 service, NGA Business Premium.

The NGA Business Premium prototype is based on the enhanced Bitstream 4 service drafted by the Telecommunications Forum Layer 2 working party. It’s built in our Co-Innovation Laboratory and we’re currently conducting internal testing, which you’re welcome to observe. You can also participate in further prototype testing to fine tune the features and design from late June.

In particular, we would like feedback/involvement on the following items:

  • Deploying always-on Operations, Administration and Maintenance (OAM) features
  • Required bandwidth profiles
  • Logical diversity options
  • Missing features or tweaking technical attributes to make the service easier to consume.

NGA Business Premium is a key stepping stone for our future 2020 product suite.

Join the Co-Innovation prototyping

This invitation is a unique opportunity to be involved in the development stage of a new product and to make sure that it meets your business needs.

If you consume HSNS Premium today, or if you intend to offer a high-performing service to corporate customers, schools and medical centres in the near future, we highly recommend participating in this trial.

To participate in the trial you will need a point-to-point CCIL connection, which is only available in Auckland and Wellington. Access can be requested by sending an email request to

If you’re outside Auckland and Wellington you can observe the prototyping by being copied on testing notes, or visiting the Chorus Innovation lab at 99 Khyber pass, Auckland.

Who should I contact?

For more information, please see the NGA Business Premium prototyping technical user guide on our website, or contact your Account Manager.