
A new and improved consultation process

We heard your feedback that we could improve how we consult with the industry on Chorus initiatives. Over the last few months, we pulled together a cross functional squad to review the current consultation process and deliver improvements that we hope will make consulting with us on a range of topics including products, price and incentives easier. We’re launching a new consultation process in the New Year and are sharing a preview of what your will see. 

Consultation process improvements:  

  • A dedicated webpage on our Service Provider (SP) website giving you visibility of all in-flight industry consultations. This includes a calendar view making it easier for you to plan and  provide feedback by the due date  
  • A bespoke webform for each consultation with questions relating to the specific initiative to provide you with a consistent feedback channel  
  • Consultation feedback will be provided for all consultations using our weekly comms channel so you can see industry wide feedback on initiatives 
  • Implemented new functionality to enable you to set reminders in your diary to provide feedback before each consultation closes. You can set these diary reminders via the consultation webpages  
  • Implemented better governance in our internal review process to help manage the number of Chorus industry consultations at any one time.  

There is no requirement for RSPs to make any changes and we appreciate your ongoing support and involvement in our consultations. 

As we start to roll out the new and improved process for consultations from early 2023, we encourage you to provide feedback on these changes and the new web experience so we can continue to refine and further improve our processes.



Please get in touch directly with your account team for any queries.