
Hyperfibre self-upgrade – trial results and call for co-design

Earlier this year we ran a successful trial to test whether customers were willing and able to swap-out their own ONT when ordering Hyperfibre.  

The trial consisted of 40 customers who were upgrading to Hyperfibre and had 3rd generation GPON ONTs. We found that 95% were willing to swap their own ONT and all participants were able to replace and attach the ONT without problems. Trial participants had a significantly improved customer experience and a cycle time of 4 days less than BAU.

Considering the observed improvement in customer experience, we are exploring how to scale the program and would like your input to make sure we get it right.

We found that our manual trial processes introduced commissioning delays which led to customers having no service, so before we implement this journey, we are looking to improve our systems and processes to ensure customers get as seamless a transition as possible.  

We would like to run a co-design session with our RSP customers to ensure we build our systems in a way that will suit you best. We are interested in hearing from service providers who both offer Hyperfibre today and those who do not yet offer it but intend to do so in the future.   

Some examples of topics we are likely to cover: 

  • Should we offer the option to send a technician or self-upgrade at order entry, or default to self-upgrade where eligible.
  • Ability to support after hours completion.
  • Importance of providing information such as parcel tracking  
  • Potential for combined logistics (e.g. CPE and ONT sent together or combined installation material)
  • Consumer/Business dynamics
  • How to fix things when they go wrong

We will send out a briefing pack prior to the workshop to interested parties. 


Commitment required  

Two one-hour online sessions on 30 November 2023 and 13 December 2023

Ideally, we’d like the following participants from each RSP:  

  • 1 x customer experience lead  
  • 1 x provisioning/customer service expert  
  • 1 x technical/systems expert  
  • If any RSPs don’t have these specific roles, we would still welcome their attendance and participation.  

Please use our online form to register your interest to attend by 24 November 2023.  

Form content as follows:

  • Your Name
  • Contact email address
  • Name of the RSP you represent
  • What would your preference for the workshops group size be?
    • Small group of interested RSPs (multiple sessions)
    • Just your RSP
    • All RSPs interested in self-upgrade (single session)
  • Please enter the names and contact email addresses of anyone else from your company you'd like us to invite to the session with you. Ideally, we'd like a customer experience lead, a provisioning/customer services expert and a technical/systems expert from each RSP to attend.