
Hyperfibre ONT self-upgrade trial

Currently every new Hyperfibre connection requires a technician visit to replace the existing Chorus GPON ONT with a Hyperfibre ONT. We believe that many end-users could complete this work without a technician visit, especially those with a connectorised Internal Termination Point (used for Chorus 3rd and 4th generation GPON ONTs). If this is correct, we expect the option to self-upgrade the ONT would streamline and improve the customer experience of upgrading to Hyperfibre. 

We do not currently understand what proportion of end-users would be willing and able to undertake this work, so are proposing a small-scale trial to test whether:  

  • the ONT installation can be carried out successfully by the end-user; and  
  • there is an appetite by the end-user to perform the self-upgrade instead of waiting for an available technician. 

In the proposed trial we will test these questions by offering up to 40 end-users placing eligible Hyperfibre orders (across all participating RSPs) the option to self-upgrade to the Chorus Hyperfibre ONT. We will select, contact and support the end-users through the self-upgrade process as part of this trial. 

We are looking to start the trial in mid-April. A trial blueprint for the proposed trial is also attached. 


Sign Up 

You can sign up to participate in the Chorus Hyperfibre ONT self-upgrade trial by requesting and completing a trial agreement from your account manager. Feel free to contact them with any questions.  

Please note we are only seeking 40 Hyperfibre orders to participate in the trial. We will select orders for participation in a way we believe is likely to best achieve the trial objective. Signing-up to participate in the trial does not necessarily mean any of your end-users will be offered participation in the trial process. 



If you have any queries, please get in touch with your account team.