
Hyperfibre RGW withdrawal - CPE credit

RGW ONT went into stop-sell in November 2023 and will be fully withdrawn on 31 October 2024.

RGW ONT supporting systems are nearing end-of-life and won’t be available after this date. Any customers still in RGW mode on 31 October 2024 will be switched to ’standard mode’ to provide continuity of service but will not be able to connect if they don’t have a compatible router plugged in to the correct port (LAN 10G for Hyperfibre). We know Hyperfibre routers are expensive compared to NGA routers and so to support your early adopters of Hyperfibre we are offering a $300 CPE credit.  

This is for a replacement router for connections already on Hyperfibre plans, where the customer is using the RGW function on the ONT. These customers will need to stay on a Hyperfibre plan for 12 months post migration date.

You will need to ‘Opt In’ to this campaign by signing and returning this offer letter before 30 June 2024.  

Some good news is that Chorus has decided to waive the “Modify Order” charges when you migrate customers from RGW to standard ONT mode. This will be processed in November 2024 and will credit charges incurred since the stop sell came into effect on 19 November 2023.



If you have any questions or require additional information, please contact your account team.