
High Priority Access (HPA) update

In April we provided notice that we are proceeding with the development of High Priority Access (HPA), with a planned launch date of 31 July 2023. 

This is an update to let you know how we are progressing and inform you of a slightly revised planned launch date of 3 August 2023


HPA development update 

The development of HPA is progressing well. We are currently performing Layer 2 testing and making small tweaks to the product based on our learnings.  

Thank you to those of you who offered to test HPA with us prior to the planned launch date. We expect to have HPA available for testing in early July as planned. 


Update on the HPA SFP ONT 

We previously communicated that we are also introducing two new ONTs exclusively for HPA: 

  1. Single Port XGS ONT 

The SFP XGS ONT we had selected was model number XS-010S-Y. During testing we found that this ONT is not compatible with our network. Fortunately, we have been able to identify a suitable replacement, so we are providing notice that we will be introducing a slightly different SFP XGS ONT for HPA, model number XS-010S-Q. 


Notice of revised planned launch date 

The original planned launch date for HPA was Monday, 31 July 2023. We are providing notice of this date being pushed out by 3 days to Thursday, 3 August 2023

While we are overall on track to launch HPA as planned, a bit more time was required for one of our platform teams to complete their required work. Fortunately, this only impacts our timeline by a few days. 


Pre-onboarding to consume HPA 

We would like to offer you the option of pre-onboarding HPA prior to launch, so that you can order it through the Chorus Portal on day 1. 

If you are interested in pre-onboarding HPA, please get in contact with your account team who will facilitate this. 



Please get in touch with your account team should you have any questions, or if you wish to express your interest in pre-onboarding to HPA prior to launch. We will keep you informed of progress and any changes should they emerge.