
Have your say on our investment plans

We are offering each RSP an opportunity to be interviewed by Kantar (a market research firm) about our future expenditure options and priorities for fibre services. These interviews are part of our process to build our regulatory investment proposal for 2025-2028, which will govern our fibre expenditure in those years. 

The interview will take approximately one hour and will be run by Kantar, who will aim for a mutually convenient time, beginning 26 June to 12 July 2023. It will be a structured interview where Kantar will present some investment options and choices facing Chorus, including on the cost impacts of the different options, and you can provide your views. No Chorus personnel will be present. The number of topics covered can be flexible depending on time and interest. 

To compensate you for your time, Kantar will make a $150 donation to a charity of your choice.



To sign up for an interview, or if you have any questions, please contact Ian Ferguson.