
GigaBites - NZ's demand for better broadband

GigaBites is back after a quick break to update our website with new insights into New Zealand’s broadband market. In this issue you’ll discover some surprising stats about where demand for better broadband is coming from, plus we look at what’s stopping many Kiwi businesses from moving to fibre.

Fibre demand data reveals surprises

Clear patterns are emerging on the profile of households adopting fibre. We’ve analysed three years’ worth of order data and found that, while the results have confirmed and quantified some early demand assumptions, they've also revealed a few surprises. Read more >>

Business fibre uptake modest despite availability

Business fibre uptake is slowly growing and an increasing percentage of businesses are planning to adopt fibre – but many businesses are simply not aware fibre is available. This is the key finding in the latest Business Operations survey from NZ stats, highlighting the need for more business education. Read more >>

Watch our fibre connections light up

Statistics, numbers and charts don’t always bring to life how trends play out in the real world. To help illustrate New Zealand’s growing demand for fibre, we've created a quick video that shows fibre adoption in four high-uptake towns between June 2011 and December 2014. Watch our video >>