
Customer change roadmap December 2015

Customer change roadmap 7: 15 December 2015

The latest version of the change roadmap is now available on the customer website.

You will find the customer change roadmap on our website.

Live in November:

  • NGA consumer fibre offer: Between 1 November 2015 and 30 June 2016 you will automatically receive a two month credit of the price difference for connections that upgrade from NGA Evolve 30-10 2.5 2.5 to NGA Evolve 100-20 2.5.25.
  • Increasing the scope of our rate card for fibre services: We simplified the quoting process by introducing a rate card for the former Blue Zone within other LFC areas. We’re now expanding this as an option to the installation costs of business fibre services in our UFB areas, which are planned for future build, but not yet built.
  • Managed Provisioning tiered service rate card is now available
  • VDSL band plan change: Commerce Commission approved an update to the Interference Management Plan that forms part of the UCLL STD. The update changes the VDSL Band Plan from 997 to 998
  • Baseband contract: Final contract is now available

Who do I contact?

Talk to your Service Delivery Manager if you need more information on any of the initiatives