
Consumer off-net acquisition trial – expression of interest in participation

Our aim is to bring our superior fibre connectivity to as many people as possible. We plan to team up with a small number of RSPs to test effective offers with a variety of service and incentive features, shaping a lasting offnet acquisition program. 


What we’re doing 

Although we possess some customer insights and have conceptualised offers, we believe a trial is essential to gain deeper insights into offer effectiveness and operational considerations for potential scaling. 

We're seeking collaboration with willing RSPs to design and implement the trial. Key test elements would include: 

  1. Exploring operational synergy between Chorus and RSP for efficient list-based consumer outreach. 
  2. Testing both RSP and end customer incentive impacts on uptake.
  3. Developing a process to ensure speedy installation services, targeting 5 working days. 
  4. Integrating existing Chorus offers, such as a $300 Prezzy Card, and determining provisioning and fulfilment logistics. 

A potential customer offer could be: "Join fibre at $60/month, with fibre setup within 5 days, plus a $300 Prezzy card." 

Indicative timeline: 

  • August: RSPs express an interest in participating in trial 
  • September: Finalise structure/format of trial 
  • October: Trial of offer to take place  
  • November: Collation of results and learnings  
  • December: Consideration findings/next steps 


RSP selection

At this stage we are targeting three RSPs for the trial. However, the number of RSP trialists will be at our discretion, with the aim of running a trial that best tests our proposals and can be achieved efficiently within the timeframes indicated. Preference will be given to RSPs with experience in door-knocking campaigns targeting end users at a sufficient scale to provide meaningful results. If RSP interest exceeds the capacity of the trial and/or we consider that any applicant is not able to meet the trial requirements, it is possible that not all RSPs that express interest in participating will be able to participate.  


Expression of interest

You can express interest to participate in the Chorus Off-net acquisition trial by completing our Expression of Interest form.  

We will then review those expressions to assist in finalising the trial parameters and to select trialists. Once we have selected trialists, those RSPs will be asked to commit to trial terms. Feel free to contact your account manager with any questions. 

Expression of interest close on 8 September 2023.