
Confirming fibre pricing from 1 January 2025

We have reviewed and considered feedback received during our FY25 fibre price change consultation and have now finalised fibre pricing changes. This communication is notice of the confirmed changes as set out below, effective from 1 January 2025.

All feedback related to consumer pricing and can be broadly summarised as follows:  

  • The proposed prices were higher than anticipated (particularly Home Fibre Starter).
  • Any wholesale increases will be passed through into retail pricing.  
  • The trading environment is difficult and any price increases risk connection loss to cheaper priced alternative technology.  
  • Misalignment with other Local Fibre Companies on the effective date of price changes is challenging to manage.  

While we acknowledge the points above, we have experienced significant cost increases over the past year in running and maintaining our fibre network as well as being aware of the need for ongoing investment to ensure future resilience.  

We are confirming all fibre price changes proposed in our consultation will take effect from 1 January 2025 except the following:  

Home Fibre Starter  

  • We will increase the price by $3 to $38 per month, this is an increase of 8.6%; and  
  • Increase the retail price ceiling to $65 – new ceiling to take effect from 1 November 2024; this early implementation allows you to adjust your retail pricing ahead of 1 January 2025 before our Home Fibre Starter price increase comes into effect. The updated Home Fibre Starter Conditions are available here, all those signed up to the Home Fibre Starter will move to the new terms as of 1 November 2024. Please contact us if you are not happy to accept these new terms.  

No Fault Found fee (NFF)  

  • As part of a wider review of Chorus costs it was determined that the proposed NFF of $129.02 (5.1%) is insufficient to cover costs. We will increase this fee to $162.78 (32.63%) to account for this.  

Miscellaneous 200 Mbps Plans  

Given 200 Mbps plans were boosted to 920 Mbps in 2021 we are increasing the pricing of these plans by 7% (not 10% as originally proposed) to align with their nearest Fibre 920 equivalent, impacted plans include:  

  • Evolve 200-20-2.5-2.5 Residential;  
  • Evolve 200-100-2.5-2.5 Residential;  
  • Evolve 200-200-2.5-2.5 Residential;  
  • Evolve 200-200-2.5-2.5 Business

Tail Extension Service (NGA)  

In recognising that NGA TES is still a relatively new enabler for fibre growth, we have removed the previously proposed price increase.  

A full list of all changes can be found here

Important note: This customer update serves as formal notice of the proposed price changes in accordance with clauses 24.4(b) and 24.5(b) of the 2022 CSA/Reference Offer and these will take effect from 1 January 2025.



If you would like to speak to someone about these changes and how they may impact your organisation, please contact your Customer Engagement team.