
Chorus RSP incentives from 1 October 2024

RSP incentives are an integral part of how we work with you to achieve mutually beneficial outcomes - more end-users connected to the internet on our fast and reliable fibre network.

In the earlier consultation we sought feedback from you on:

  • What was working well (and not so well)  
  • Simplification with closer alignment of consumer and business incentives  
  • How can we effectively target addresses that are not on fibre e.g. the use of address lists  

Following consultation we extended both Pure Fibre and Flash incentives for 1 July – 30 September 2024.  

We are now launching our RSP incentives for 1 October 2024 – 30 June 2025. This replaces Pure Fibre and Flash, with the principles of those frameworks remaining consistent with a few key changes and elements as outlined below.  


Key changes/elements  

  • The period of inactivity for an address previously connected to be eligible is now 12 months, previously 3 months for consumer and 1 month for business.  
  • Increasing the credits for Fibre 300 and Fibre 920 for Consumer to $200 and $250 respectively (previously $175 and $225).
  • Refreshed off-net address list (released last week) for RSPs to use to maximise the value of the incentives framework.
  • Maintained the net growth condition for 100% credit eligibility as currently applicable (now also applies to business credits), with the 67% payout if it is not met. Current calculation of growth applies as either month on month or a three-month-rolling average. We will assume that whatever you have elected for Pure Fibre is what you are choosing for this incentive offer – so please tell us if you want to change your current option when you sign up.


Next steps

For more information visit our incentives webpage to view the offer letter and information pack. To participate in this Chorus RSP incentive programme please sign and return the offer letter by 30 September 2024. We are more than happy to meet with you to discuss our incentive framework.  



If have any questions about our incentive offers, please contact your account team.