
Changes to the Chorus Coverage Maps

We continue to enhance the information that is available to you in the Chorus Coverage Maps.  We are making changes, effective 4 March 2015.

What's happening?

We are enhancing the data in our Chorus Coverage maps to provide you with a view of:

  • Fibre Demand Ranking

  • NGA and Copper capability mapping

  • Gigatown Zone

  • Enhanced Prequalification 

What's the detail?

We are releasing the following new layers from today, 4 March 2015:

Fibre Demand Ranking: 

The Fibre Demand Ranking provides an indicative prediction as to where we think the demand for fibre will be greatest within the Chorus UFB Zones.  The ranking is derived by overlaying geo-demographic information sourced from NZ Post with our own data regarding fibre orders to date.

Each UFB cabinet area (FFP) has been scored from 1 to 5, where 5 has the highest potential demand for fibre.  The ranking does not represent any kind of guarantee or warranty as to the actual level of future uptake in each FFP.

This information will be updated on a quarterly basis and can be found at

We will also be updating our “UFB Availability by FFP & POI” report to reflect this information.

NGA/Copper capability.  Dots will now be used to display the capability for NGA, VDSL, EUBA and BUBA at an address level.  This is aligned to our “All Service By SAM ID” report published on a monthly basis on our website and aligns with the information available in the Chorus Portal.  This information will be updated on a monthly basis for our Copper services and on a weekly basis for NGA. The dots are a replacement for our coverage shape files and provide a more accurate view of capability, aligned to our ordering systems.

Gigatown Zone.  We have included a shapefile to define the zone where Gigatown plans are available in Dunedin. 

Enhanced prequalification.  This will show all the enhanced prequalification information delivered in the Chorus Portal including pre fibred premises.  This information will be included in the maps by the end of this month and will be updated on a weekly basis.

Who do I contact?

Your Account Manager would be happy to come and discuss with you the ways in which you can use this information or answer any questions you may have.