
APIs coming early 2018

We understand the frustration of ‘I don’t know what’s happening’ so we’re developing a suite of APIs that will ensure a seamless flow of information between us, our Service Providers and Service Companies.

Our Chorus APIs will offer you and our Service Companies greater efficiency, automation within operational processes and a seamless flow of information across our entire ecosystem, benefitting all companies and ultimately improving the customer experience.

Our APIs allow you to retrieve our data with greater ease, accuracy, security and reliability and removes the need to cobble together solutions from various systems.

Throughout recent months in the Product Development Roadmap and recent RSP Dialogue we have let you know that we are working on selected APIs, these are soon going to be ready for you to consume.

What's coming:

Line Test API

Get visible, real-time diagnostics for Chorus Broadband services to access connections. Think Check Mate including a subset of Copper testing.

Address Lookup API

Use our auto-complete search to find an address and associated Chorus identifiers.

Broadband Availability API

Find information relating to current, available and future broadband services at a given address.

Network Performance API

Get updates on your network status, performance and utilisation in near real time.

API Developers website

To help support our API Developer community we have created the Chorus API Developers website, currently being tested in beta. The Website will supply:

  • API technical documentation
  • Access to the RAML and API environments
  • A view on the operational status of our APIs
  • Subscription to outage updates and ability to raise an API Support enquiry


For more information please contact

In January we will send you pre-release notes with more information about each API prior to launch in early February.

At launch in February you will receive all necessary URLs to learn more about each API, full technical documentation and access to API RAML.