
API status webpage improvements

We are always looking to improve the experience we provide you through our digital channels. We’ve built automation into our API status page to provide a real time status of the health of our API’s especially when there are issues or an unplanned outage.


What’s happening

If you notice that there’s an issue to the service you have built using a Chorus API, we recommend checking out the API status page first.

Thanks to automation, we are making his transparent right away and follow this up with commentary if it turns out to be major issue/outage. 

Using the status page, you can decide on whether to report your issue or continue to watch the status page for updates and resolution commentary.


Next steps

To make sure you get the value from this change, subscribe (yourself or your IT operation teams) to our API status page if you’re not already.



Your feedback matter to us so please let us know if you encounter any issues with this improved experience.

For any queries, please get in touch with your Service Delivery Manager.