
Annual adjustment for copper services and some co-location charges

For regulated copper services an annual CPI adjustment is required by the Telecommunications Act and has been approved by the Commerce Commission.

September’s annual consumer price index determines the price increase for copper connections; this was 7.2 per cent for the year to September 2022.


What’s happening?

We are required to adjust charges annually in line with CPI for services subject to standard terms determinations (STDs).
As the number of customers using copper services on Chorus’ network decreases each year it is getting increasingly more costly to maintain and operate the network. The fixed costs for operating and maintaining the copper network do not change with decreasing customer numbers. In the last financial year copper broadband and voice services declined by 26 per cent, or 122,000 connections.

The Commerce Commission has approved an adjustment of 7.2% to core and ancillary charges for the following services, which will take effect from 16 December 2022

  • Unbundled bitstream access (UBA/EUBA - ADSL/VDSL)
  • Unbundled copper low frequency (UCLF) 
  • UBA backhaul
  • UCLF co-location
  • UCLF backhaul

We will also apply a CPI increase to some copper services provided under our commercial agreements (the CSA and WCSA), as well as some co-location services. You can check out a full list of the charges that are changing in our rate card under "resources" below.
Price changes for the following services will take effect 9 February 2023 (except for baseband, which flows through from UCLF and will take effect 16 December 2022, and HSNS Lite Copper, which will take effect 8 January 2023):

  • Baseband 
  • Commercial Backhaul
  • Commercial Co-location
  • Commercial UBA
  • Exchange Space Co-location
  • Wireless Co-location
  • EdgeCentre Co-location
  • Copper Handover Links
  • HSNS Lite Copper
  • HSNS Lite Copper TES
  • E1/E3


The details 

Our pricing rate card, HSNS calculator and applicable price lists will be updated to reflect the new prices before the relevant effective date of each price change (16 December 2022, 8 January 2023 or 9 February 2023) and the price book will reflect the new prices in the month of each price change. 

The Commission’s website sets out the relevant approval for the changes to charges for regulated services and includes an updated STD price list.



For any queries, please contact your account team.