
Chorus Portal Cancellation Reasons

This shows all of our cancellation reasons and the scenarios we would typically use them in.


Cancellation reasons are divided into four categories.

  • Order Acceptance
  • Customer Cancelled
  • LFC Cancelled
  • RSP Cancelled

It is important to note that majority of cancellations are selected manually. The person initiating the cancellation is to choose the reason that reflects the original cause for cancellation of the order.

If there is no specific cancellation reason, select the closest applicable reason from the category which reflects who has initiated the cancellation (E.g. Customer, LFC, RSP) and leave a note in the Summary tab.

Order Acceptance
These cancellation reasons are used where Chorus cannot accept the order as submitted.

Duplicate order removed

Order is a duplicate of another in-flight request and is not required. Unless advised via an RSP interaction.

Incorrect Address - New order submitted

Order was submitted against the incorrect TLC, and a replacement order has been submitted against the correct TLC by Chorus or the RSP.

​​Incorrect Address - No new order submitted

Order was submitted against the incorrect TLC, and a replacement order for the customer has not been submitted by Chorus or the RSP.

Incorrect pre-qual information

Order was accepted on the basis of incorrect pre-qualification results, e.g. records incorrectly indicating that UFB was available.

Missing order information

​Information required to progress the order has not been supplied by the RSP, e.g. End Customer Name, Contact Details

Primary fibre service already on site (and primary requested)

A ​Connect Primary order has been submitted where a primary service already exists


Customer Cancelled
These cancellation reasons are used where the end customer has requested cancellation either directly to Chorus, the Service Company or RSP.

Access Denied

Customer refused access to allow technician to complete the scope or installation.

Access to a shared area or comms room was denied by a 3rd party (e.g. building manager) after consent is gained.

Competitive offer taken up by customer (same RSP)

Customer has requested a new plan from the same RSP

Customer did not accept contribution cost

Customer declined to pay contribution costs and does not wish to proceed with an alternative install method.

Excessive delay for RFS

Customer requested cancellation due to excessive appointment lead-times

Customer requested cancellation as the ECD for necessary build work is too far out.

Fibre not requested

This can apply to any order type (e.g. Connect Primary, Connect Additional ONT) where the customer wishes to cancel because they did not ask for the service.

Landlord declined permission

Landlord or property owner has declined permission for customer have fibre installed in a rental property.

Now moving address

Customer has advised that they wish to cancel order as they will be moving out of the address against which the order was placed.

Premise not ready for fibre installation

Customer cannot proceed with the order until site renovations or building work is complete.
Install cannot be completed as customer has not competed required work on site (e.g. tree trimming, trenching, running internal or external conduit).

Unhappy with external scoping options (installation)

Customer could not agree to lead-in method during scope and does not wish to proceed.

Unhappy with internal scoping options (installation)

Customer does not wish to proceed due to work required to complete install within premise. 


LFC Cancelled
These reasons are used in scenarios where Chorus, or our Service Company initiates the cancellation.

Chorus error

​Order created by Chorus in error

Incorrect pre-qual - service not available

​Order cannot proceed because it is not possible to provide an NGA service at the address (e.g. no UFB network at location)

Medical dependency issue

Vital customer medical alarm or equipment is not compatible with NGA, order cannot proceed.

Unable to contact customer

Chorus or the Service Company have been unable to reach the customer to confirm appointments

Health and Safety

Order cannot proceed because there is a Health and Safety issue which cannot be mitigated by rescheduling the order (e.g. aggressive dogs or people, structurally unsafe building)

Consent not gained

This reason is used only by the Consents team. The reasons are driven by cancellations from MDU/ROW consent or the design & build process.


RSP Cancelled
These reasons are used where the RSP has requested cancellation.

​​Intent to Disconnect notification was rejected

Auto-populated where an abandonment or change (Secondary to Primary) notification is rejected by the incumbent RSP

​​Feasibility/Quote rejected by customer

RSP initiated cancellation due to rejection of costs by the customer

Submitted in error

RSP has advised that the order was submitted in error and is no longer required

Incorrect Details

RSP initiated cancellation due to incorrect details being entered (e.g. address, customer name or contact information)