calendar icon Wednesday, 25 January - Wednesday, 22 February
Update number: 25012023

This consultation has now closed

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RGW ONT withdrawal


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As we work towards ONT simplification we are proposing to withdraw our RGW ONT products. Key reasons for proposed withdrawal include: 

  • Promoting CPE that can be easily upgraded with newer wi-fi versions (Wi-Fi 6 and beyond) 
  • Extending the life of the ONT (less site visits for your customers) 
  • Smaller form factor – better for wall or cabinet mounting 
  • Future consolidation to single ONT type 
  • Simplified supply chain with more ONTs to choose from without RGW mode to avoid customer impact from supply chain disruption 

The incoming second gen Hyperfibre ONT does not support Wi-Fi, making this an opportune time to simplify our offerings both for Hyperfibre and fibre products.  

We are consulting with RSPs who consume RGW ONT to determine how long is needed to move towards supplying CPE for new customers and how much time is required to move existing customers to external RGW equipment. If we exit this product, we want to make sure we do so with the least possible disruption to your business and customers. 

We propose to introduce a stop sell on 31 July 2023 to give you time to switch your new orders to utilise a separate router.  

We plan to withdraw the service by 30 June 2024. This should give customers enough time to switch to an alternate router. 

We would appreciate it if you could provide your feedback by 22 February 2023. After reviewing consultation feedback, we will share consolidated feedback, confirm withdrawal and set out final timings via formal notice by the end of March 2023.