calendar icon Wednesday, 25 January - Wednesday, 15 February
Update number: 25012023

This consultation has now closed

Consultation outcomes will be published shortly.

Hyperfibre Market Development Fund and CPE incentive


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We’re assessing a new Hyperfibre Market Development Fund and CPE incentive to help you grow your connections and margin. 

In advance of launching the new consumer incentives for FY24, we’re looking at a new Hyperfibre Market Development Fund and CPE incentivefor the first half of this calendar year. 

The two activities we’re assessing are a CPE incentive (to ensure customers are getting the best experience possible with a Hyperfibre capable modem) and a Market Development Fund to support your Hyperfibre marketing activity. 


CPE incentive 

To get the best experience on Hyperfibre, the modem needs to have the right technical specifications and feedback from our customer surveys highlighted that having a Hyperfibre capable modem is critical for having a good experience. The CPE incentive could either be provided to RSPs to subsidise the cost of providing a Hyperfibre capable modem to your customers and/or direct to end users in the form of a voucher to purchase a modem of their choice from selected retailers. Providing a voucher to allow end users to purchase their own modem is not something we’ve done before but we thought that this may help so you don’t have to procure and test a modem of your own, while still delivering a great experience for your customers.  


Marketing Development Fund 

The focus of the MDF is to support you to market Hyperfibre to the core early adopter business and consumer market, increasing awareness and uptake within this segment. 

Please provide feedback using this online form by close of business 15 February 2023. We’ll release an overview of what we’ve learnt and whether we’ll be proceeding with either of these initiatives in late February.