calendar icon Monday, 19 - Friday, 30 April
Update number: 14042021

This consultation has now closed

Consultation outcomes will be published shortly.

Managed Provisioning Service (MPS) redesign consultation

Our Business Product team would like to consult with you on the future of the Managed Provisioning Service.

The Managed Provisioning Service (MPS) is a value-add, Chorus project management service wrap. Its aim is to ensure that customer projects are successfully completed - on time and meeting specifications.

What’s happening?

We are reviewing the MPS product to ensure it meets your business requirements and continues to add value. As part of this process we will look at how MPS is constructed and packaged, including price, the name of the service and how it’s displayed on our website.

It's important to us that we capture your feedback and requirements, as we would like to develop this product together with you.

Consultation period

The consultation will take place from 19 - 30 April during which we will arrange a suitable time with you to discuss.

How to participate

If you would like to participate in this consultation, please contact your Account or Service Delivery Manager.