calendar icon Thursday, 22 April - Friday, 31 December
Update number: 21042021

This consultation has now closed

Consultation outcomes will be published shortly.

Anywhere Workplace Consultation Outcome

Thank you for consulting with us on the Anywhere Workplace offer idea.

We are grateful for the valuable feedback we received during this consultation process – a big thanks to all of you who took the time out of your busy schedules to meet with us and discuss.

The consultation period ended on 2 March. Since then we have also held a workshop on the ‘Future of Work’, bringing together key decision makers from six large organisations. The aim was to test our assumptions and verify that we are solutioning for a real business need.

Having taken the time to thoroughly evaluate your feedback as well as the workshop learnings, we have decided NOT to proceed with this idea.

We acknowledge that this will be disappointing news for some. If you would like to find out more about our reasoning, please get in touch with your Chorus account manager.