calendar icon Wednesday, 5 April - Friday, 12 May
Update number: 05042023

This consultation has now closed

Read the outcomes of this consultation.

Jeopardy management for intacts


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Over the past 12 months, we have been continually improving the fibre intact activation journey for customers through initiatives like Multiple Primaries and Intact Support SMS

Insights from our customer experience team suggest that there is further opportunity to optimise the intact journey by proactively jeopardy managing orders that we can detect a high likelihood of failure on activation date. These scenarios are sometimes hard to detect, especially when the ONT has been switched off, but we are working on how to better identify orders at risk. This could include scenarios where an ONT is damaged, missing, or have incorrect records during the initial install order.  

We would like to consult with you on how you would like to see such scenarios managed going forward. We are keen to have online or face-to-face meetings particularly with your customer support teams. Alternatively, you can submit your feedback completing this short questionnaire by 12 May 2023.  

We expect to share the consolidated industry feedback on the consultation and next steps with you in June 2023. 



If you have any questions regarding this, please get in touch with your account team.