
We've got pre-fibred premises all scheduled

We’ve completed our UFB roll-out plans till Christmas 2017. Included in the plans, are pre-fibred premises with no connection. 

What's happening?

Up to now, we’ve made UFB services available before its official roll out, at selected Wellington and Auckland locations. This was possible if legacy fibre was nearby. With UFB fibre coming soon to these areas, we’ve removed legacy fibre as an option.

What's the detail?

We’ve enabled UFB services at certain Auckland and Wellington locations, when legacy fibre was within 100m. These locations are identified as pre-fibred premises. We’ve now scheduled the UFB build in to these areas. That’s why we’ll no longer have legacy fibre as an available option.

Instead, your prequalification request now gives these results:

  • Premises now connected show fibre ready UFB
  • Premises not yet connected, show the proposed build date
  • Premises with orders in progress, show multiple statuses (i.e. consent required, ready for provision, then fibre ready UFB).

Who do I contact?

For more information please contact your Service Delivery Manager.