
Training videos to improve your customers' experience

You’ve told us that the fibre installation process can be confusing. So we’ve created four short clips to help you better understand the process. Share them with your team, so everyone’s up to speed. 

What's happening?

Setting the right expectations, getting customer details correct and confirming appointments – all lead to a better customer experience. As you prepare to undertake more of your own customer services (refer to Infomer 423), we’ve developed four videos capturing the key actions for your customer service and provisioning teams. 

What's the detail?

We’re here to support you as you develop your own customer service capability. These videos help train your front line staff to gather the correct information, and confidently discuss the next steps with your customers.

Click here, to find out about:

1. Confirming Agree and Connect dates
2. Correct customer contact and address details 
3. Agree appointment – what happens? 
4. Connect appointment – what happens?

Forward this email to your team, so everyone understands what’s needed.

Who do I contact?

Please contact your service delivery manager with any queries.