
Test 4th Gen ONTs have arrived

The first batch of 4th Gen ONTs have arrived, and we are getting them ready to send out to you for testing. As discussed in the RSP workshop series, this initial batch has mostly been allocated for RSP testing, either in CCIL or in the production network. If you have let us know how many 4th Gen Test ONTs you need, then you should receive these soon to the addresses that you’ve advised. If you have not yet let us know and would like to secure one or two of these for your organisation to test, then please let us know through this survey

At this stage we are not ready for the ONTs to be tested in RGW mode, but we will let you know as soon as we are ready to commence with provisioning RGW mode through the Remote Management Platform.

Our in-flight project page is kept up to date with the latest information on the 4th Gen ONT introduction. 

If you need anything further here, please reach out to your Service Delivery Manager.