
Targeting Taupo and Rotorua for better broadband

Across July and August we’re testing localised Better is here awareness campaigns in these towns. The purpose is to stimulate demand in mature fibre areas where uptake’s slowed. These areas have lower lead times, and crews that can handle demand. There are over 10,000 customers that can get fibre across these towns.

Supporting details

Advertising in market: 16 July – 2 Sep 2017


  • Radio – 30” advert
  • Outdoor – billboards and adshels
  • PR articles
  • Geo-targeted digital (Facebook / display banners)

Consumers are driven to to check their address in the broadband checker. They’ll then see if fibre’s available at their place. Local radio, PR, outdoor and targeted digital advertising will support our key messaging:

  • Better is here. Ask for it.
  • Are you one of 1.4 million kiwis that could get better broadband?

Next steps

To see full details, download the file under Resources (on this page). Please contact your account manager with any other queries or feedback.