
Take part in our Service Provider website research survey

We're constantly working to improve your experience on the Service Provider (SP) website, and we need your valuable insights to make it happen. Help us understand how you navigate and find information on by participating in a short research survey.  

Your input will directly influence the future improvements we make, ensuring that the browsing experience is tailored to meet customers’ needs. Whether you're a frequent visitor or exploring our SP website for the first time, your perspective is important to us.

You’ll answer a series of questions about where you’d expect to find key pages within our website structure. There are no right or wrong answers, and it should only take a few minutes. The survey is live until mid-June 2024 and is completely voluntary, all responses will be kept confidential.  

Link to survey

Thanks in advance for your participation and support.



If you have any questions, then please reach out to your account team.