
Protecting the Chorus network - Christmas holiday period 2022

Chorus will be implementing a level of change restriction on some parts of our network environment over the 2022-23 Christmas holiday period. This is being done to minimise the risk of customer impacting events occurring at a time of reduced staffing levels across our organisation and suppliers.  

The Chorus holiday restriction period (brown-out) is defined as: 

  • Start: 06:00 Thursday 22 December 2022 
  • End: 23:00 Wednesday 11 January 2023 


Network Maintenance & Fault Restoration  

  • Chorus will continue to provide full fault restoration capability throughout the Christmas holiday period.  
  • Proactive maintenance will continue on-plan for the most part except for work carried out on equipment inside of Exchange sites and cabinets which will be restricted during the Christmas holiday period.


Co-Location Services (COLO) 

  • Restrictions will be in place for any build work in COLO areas, including the installation of sub-racks and racks or connection of new equipment to power/network services during the Christmas holiday period.  
  • There remain no restrictions during the break on Customers accessing their equipment in COLO areas for maintenance purposes.  


Chorus Network Build 

  • All pre-agreed subdivision build work will continue as normal throughout the Christmas holiday period.  
  • Any build work that potentially creates risk to the existing core and access network elements will be restricted and deferred until after the Christmas holiday period has ended.


Provisioning Activity 

  • Provisioning activities will continue, although there will be a lower number of technicians working through the Christmas holiday period on fibre installations.



  • Chorus will continue to address escalations throughout the holiday period. Please follow the appropriate escalation matrix. 


Work Restriction Calendar 

Restriction calendar


Who do I contact?  

Please contact your account team with any queries.