
New build collateral

With the help of end customers, we’ve redesigned our build-related flyers to improve their journey from pre-build to connection.

What's happening?

Our new collateral replaces the existing ‘Streets Ahead’ pieces, as a key fibre education and selling tool. Log in and take a look, so you’ll know what your customers are referring to.

What's the detail?

We know fibre’s build and install process can be confusing. The process needed clarifying, so consumers understand each stage and it helps drive fibre uptake. Our new build collateral uses simplified design and messaging, to effectively communicate a fibre build. Your customers will find it a lot easier to navigate and understand.

It also provides clarity around the different roles and responsibilities of each party. It outlines what we will do, what you will do, and what end customers need to do.

You’ll see the new collateral roll out in our UFB build areas this week. An overview of all collateral items can also be found here. (Log in to view).

Who do I contact?

Please contact your service delivery manager with any queries or feedback.