
Mix it Up to continue through to 30 June 2023

We’re very pleased to confirm that we’re extending Mix it Up for 1 January – 30 June 2023.

This programme has run since 2019, is well understood by Retail Service Providers, and has successfully contributed towards Chorus’ fibre growth and plan mix objectives. 

To be eligible for credits under this offer, you will need to: 

  • Sign and return the new Mix It Up letter of offer by 9 December 2022, and 
  • Have a total order mix that meets the quarterly thresholds below:  

MiU table

If you wish to participate in this offer you need to let us know by 9 December 2022.  

If you are currently participating in Mix it Up and would like to continue to participate next year, you can opt-in by emailing your account manager. 

If you aren’t currently participating but would like to begin in January, you will need to sign the offer terms and send them to your account manager by 9 December 2022.



For any queries, please contact your account team.