
Gigabites newsletter - issue 8

Issue 8: 8 September 2015

This month we investigate whether NZ is punching above its weight or lagging behind on the Broadband international stage. We take a close look at NZ’s fibre connections performance compared to other OECD counties, examine what lessons the British can learn from us and delve into the latest paid streaming TV on Demand data from IDC NZ.

NZ fibre connections fastest growth in OECD

New Zealand has recently emerged as a world leader in fibre broadband growth, putting us on track to leapfrog the capability of many other nations. Last year, the number of Kiwi homes and businesses connected to fibre grew 250% to 70,600, the fastest growth in the OECD. Read more >>

How NZ can inform British structural separation

There's a big debate in Britain right now about structural separation. Internationally renowned NGA expert Benoit Felten shares his thoughts on the lessons Britain can learn from New Zealand as UK officials evaluate structural separation for their incumbent BT. Read more >>

Viewing behaviour disrupted by influx of options

More and more Kiwi households are embracing the international trend of viewing what we want, when we want to. Recently released data from IDC reveals that 12% of Kiwi households now say ‘streaming over the internet’ is their main way of watching TV and we’re a market primed for future growth. Read more >>