
EMMA self-service enhancements co-design

EMMA, our test environment for Chorus Portal, Fibre APIs and B2B is a vital tool to allow you to test changes before the production date. We are exploring enhancements that may enable you to self-serve and manage test data to your requirements.

How are we doing it and what will this look like? We’re inviting you to join us for a co-design session and be a part of that solution.


When is this happening?

From 9.00am to 11.00am on 11 June 2024. Invites will also be sent out to the existing Fibre API co-design group. If you are not in this group and would like to attend, please let our account team know that you would like to participate.


Who are the right people to help us?  

We are seeking technical people involved in testing Portal, B2B and API releases.

We are looking for participants with the following experience:  


  • Experience in testing in EMMA
  • Performing a role like one of the below:  
    • QA Tester
    • Senior Architect  
    • Lead developer  
    • Technical lead  
    • Change Manager  
  • An understanding of testing processes  

Nice to have  

  • Understanding of the TMForum Open API  
  • Experience in the development and testing of APIs  



If you have any questions, then please reach out to your friendly Chorus account team.