
Correcting our billing for some UBA transaction order types

Informer 269: 29 July 2015

A small number of UBA order types have had incorrect installation charges applied. We will be applying the correct charges from 26 August 2015.

What's happening?

Following last December's Interim Pricing Principle (IPP) changes, we have mistakenly charged some EUBA, BUBA and VDSL order types as remote connections (without a site visit) when in fact the order required a truck roll with a visit to the cabinet or exchange.

What's the detail?

On 1 December 2014 we implemented the Commerce Commission's IPP pricing changes shown in the table below. 

Installation chargeCharge (one off)

New connection without site visit (remote connections)$15.85

New connection without site visit (with exchange/cabinet visit)$73.51

On reviewing the implementation of the complex changes required within our billing system, we found some order types being billed incorrectly.

This has occurred for orders which our records show as a broadband intact line, but we need to complete a port change at the exchange or cabinet to connect your customer. It impacts the following order types:

  • Order is for VDSL, but intact is on an ADSL only card. A port change is required to move to a VDSL card.
  • Order is for EUBA or VDSL, but intact is on an ADSL1 only DSLAM. A port change is required to move to an ADSL2+/VDSL2 capable DSLAM.

These order types have been charged for a remote connection of $15.85 when, actually, a truck roll was required and the charge should have been $73.51.

We are in the process of amending our billing system and we will apply the correct price against these order types from 26 August 2015. We will not be requesting backdated payment.

Who do I contact?

If you have any questions on how this might impact you please speak to your Account Manager.