
Chorus Portal system changes to reduce reschedules

As part of our continued improvements to the end to end process of a fibre connection, we will be making some changes to the Chorus Portal which will improve the workflow of orders.  


What’s the details?

The improvements focus on a number of reschedule order scenarios, the changes will improve on the updates that flow between the service provider, Chorus provisioning and our service partners.

There are two key changes that will be implemented these are:

  • Introduce two new reschedule reasons
  • Update how Chorus manages reschedule events for three existing reschedule reasons

We are looking to put these changes into production on 18 October 2019.

Today the reschedule reason ‘customer changed’ is used for reschedules direct from service providers plus those initiated directly between the end-customer and service partner.

It is not possible to easily identify a positive reschedule where the end-customer has agreed to bring forward the appointment date directly with the service partner.

From 19 October the two new reschedule reasons will start to be used to identify positive customer reschedules.


Update three existing reschedule reasons

Where Chorus has remedial work to complete before the install can be completed, we have been using ‘target dates’ to allow this work to be completed. 

These target dates can change at short notice and set false expectations for when a fibre connect order will be completed.

From 19 October the updated system changes will mean the process will reflect the work being undertaken, with additional details being provided in the messaging. While the remedial action is being completed the fibre order will remain in ‘in progress/investigation required’.


Supporting details

We have put a pack together where you’ll find the details of the Chorus Portal system changes. Although changes will be visible in EMMA prior to launch, Chorus will confirm the exact date when available.

Service providers will need to ensure that the changes being introduced will not impact any current ordering processes for existing Chorus products.


Next steps

Please cascade the system change pack and supporting information to your operational teams.



For all other queries please contact your Service Delivery Manager.