
ATA Voice on Hyperfibre ONTs

During the Future of Voice consult you told us that Voice was declining and that you wanted to keep ATA Voice going. You told us that “if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it” 

In our 2nd Gen Hyperfibre consult we agreed to offer ATA voice on the 2nd gen Hyperfibre ONT. In our RGW withdrawal consult you told us that all future ONTs should have an ATA port and we need voice on Hyperfibre as soon as possible.

We listened, and we have an exciting new development for you. ATA voice on the Hyperfibre ONT (Type 110) is coming. This will enable the following on the Hyperfibre (Type 110) ONT: 

  • The standalone voice product, Evolve - ATA 
  • ATA voice bundled with Fibre Bitstream Services 
  • ATA voice bundled with Hyperfibre 2 Services 

These services will be available from 31 July 2023.


Service Description changes 

Please refer to the draft Hyperfibre and ATA Voice (Voice Anchor) service (Baseband) service descriptions. The main changes are highlighted in the table below. Please note that the ATA Voice (Anchor Service) replaces the following three service descriptions: ATA Voice, Baseband, Anchor Voice Service (Baseband). Original copies can be found here

Please provide any feedback by 25 May 2023.

Service Description Changes 

Added Anchor ATA Voice to Hyperfibre 2 

Added Tail Extension 

Removed deprecated offers 

ATA Voice (Voice Anchor) service (Baseband) 

Merging ATA Voice, Baseband and Anchor Voice Service Descriptions  

Adding Voice on Hyperfibre and Tail Extension. 


System Changes

The attached pack outlines the Chorus Portal and B2B system and operational changes that we need you to be aware of and ready for.  

  • We are looking to put these changes in production targeting 21 July 2023
  • EMMA will be updated to allow for testing, targeting 4 July 2023

Please ensure that your developers understand this pack and that any required changes to your systems are made in time to support these new offers and capabilities. Please also ensure that your operational teams understand what this change means for them. 



As usual, we have done extensive testing on our side. If you would also like to perform some testing and do not currently have a Type 110 ONT set up, please feel free to order a Hyperfibre connection to your test lab. If you do not offer Hyperfibre yet, then we could support a self-upgrade from a type 300 or 400 ONT.  Please contact your account team for more details. 

Many thanks in advance for your support.  



If you have any questions, please reach out through your account team.