
Applying Next Generation Access ancillary charges

Informer 308: 9 December 2015

From 1 February 2015 you will begin to see Next Generation Access ancillary charges for residential, business and education connections on your bill.

What's happening?

Up until now we’ve been absorbing the ancillary charges associated with Next Generation Access transactions. We’ve decided to apply the Next Generation Access transfer charges from 1 February 2016.

What's the detail?

The Next Generation Access Transfer transaction enables a seamless transition for the end customer from their current broadband provider to you. We will manage the transition, advising the losing provider and ceasing any billing. 

The first price change is listed below: 

Charge as per the UFB price listDescriptionAmount (excl GST)

Section 7.16 Bitstream transfer layer two chargeThe transfer of the Bitstream Service connected to an end customer’s premises from one Service Provider to another, as authorised by the end customer by change of port mapping.$24.93

If you are using the Chorus Portal you will be able to view this in the charges tab as:

Who do I contact

For more information please contact your Account Manager.