
Adjusting the copper install process, if fibre's available

You’ve asked us to modify the process that we presented late last year. So we’re now going to put copper orders into a ‘waiters’ queue, if we know fibre’s been previously installed.

What's happening?

Last year we proposed a new safety-net process, to double check copper broadband orders were deliberate (for addresses where an ONT has been installed and fibre's available).

The idea was right, but the process needed a few adjustments to give you and your customers a good experience.

From 3 April 2017, we’ll place these orders into a ‘waiters’ queue. You’ll then have three business days to confirm with your customer if they’d like to proceed with copper, or cancel the order and proceed with fibre.

What's the detail?

In October 2016, we started notifying you of copper broadband orders at properties where fibre’s already installed. We asked you to consult your customer, before reconfirming / cancelling the copper connection. We also enhanced copper’s prequalification results to show there’s an existing fibre connection.

Thanks to your feedback, from 3 April 2017 we’re making a further change to the Wireline (OOT) process:

  • We’ll move these orders to a ‘waiters’ status in OOT, with a flagged comment regarding fibre availability.
  • We’ll hold the order for three days. Please check if your customer still requires a copper connection, or if they’d prefer a new fibre connection.
  • You’ll have to supply a reason in the OOT comments field (e.g. monitored alarm, back up service for a business) for the copper order to progress.
  • If your customer decides to reconnect fibre, please cancel the copper broadband order via the comments field.
  • If we don’t hear from you within three days, we’ll assume your customer’s still weighing up their options. We’ll cancel the order on the fourth day.

We understand there are times when copper broadband is required - even when fibre’s readily available. Hence you can bypass this step, by entering a valid reason at order entry.

For a video overview, go to the learn more section on our VDSL page (click here).

Who do I contact?

Please contact your service delivery manager with any queries or feedback.