calendar icon Monday, 11 - Friday, 29 April
Update number: 11042022

This consultation has now closed

Consultation outcomes will be published shortly.

Consultation on product renaming

In December 2021 we successfully boosted a significant portion of our fibre services to stay ahead of the growing demand for faster internet speeds. The implementation approach used for this change minimised the impact on Service Provider systems, but those offer names no longer reflect the speeds that these services provide, which may be confusing to your customer service groups. 


What’s happening?

We’re suggesting a standardised naming convention for bitstream offers going forward that will make it easier for your Customer Service Representatives to identify what wholesale speeds these offers provide. 

We also propose renaming the boosted Chorus offers using this new convention, once that convention is agreed. 

To minimise impact and costs, the proposed scope for renaming is limited to Bitstream2 primary and public offers only. However, this naming convention would apply to any future offers. Please note any proposed changes only relate to the Offer Name, i.e., any B2B Product IDs would remain unchanged.


What are the details?

We welcome your feedback on the suggested naming convention for bitstream offers, or on any suggested alternatives. 

For more information on the proposed naming and scope please see the proposal pack.


Next steps

Consultation is open from today until 29 April 2022. We’re keen to hear your feedback, particularly on:

  1. The proposed naming convention for Bitstream Offers, or any alternatives.
  2. How far should the naming convention be applied, i.e., to which offers.
  3. What is the preferred timing for renaming these offers?

Following consultation, we will collate and process the feedback internally before providing you a summary of the feedback and next steps in May.



Please email Product Consultation or Roxinne McCord with any written feedback or if you have any queries.