
Consultation outcomes and next steps: Auto-switching Diversity

In November 2023, we consulted with you on our proposal to introduce a new Auto-switching Diversity feature that can provide resiliency to our DWDM based products like CDCC, CXC or CRC

We appreciate the submissions received as part of this consultation process. Having carefully considered all feedback, we are pleased to share our findings below.  


Consultation feedback and outcome

Overall, the feedback we have received has been positive and confirmed that there is a market need for this feature. Below is a high-level breakdown of the feedback we received and our responses:  

Question What you said Our Response 
Does our proposed Auto-switching Diversity help solve an existing or future need? All respondents confirmed that the proposed feature helps solve a present or a future need. We are satisfied that there is a market need for such a feature. 
What % discount should we apply on the recurring cost of the diverse path to make Auto-switching Diversity attractive? Responses varied from a 10% discount, all the way down to a 100% discount. Some respondents were supportive of a middle ground around the 50% mark. We have decided to price the diverse path at 50% the cost of the primary path which reflects the feedback we received and our costs. 
What would prevent you from consuming our proposed Auto-switching Diversity? 

The main feedback related to pricing with an expectation that this would recognise that the redundant path is only there in case of failover and can’t be used to load-share bandwidth. 

Respondents also commented that:  

  • they would need to know the diverse paths that traffic can take;   
  • orders would need to be fulfilled in a timely manner; and  
  • this could depend on what the last leg of diversity might look like if combined with DFAS/ICABS. 

We acknowledge your feedback and consider, based on the feedback above and our cost, the 50% discount we are offering for the diverse path is competitive. 

We are taking the rest of the feedback onboard for the final product design. 

Based on your feedback, we have decided to proceed with developing this product.


Next Steps

The development of Auto-Switching Diversity is now underway. We aim to have it in market by the end of this financial year and will provide you with an official notice once the launch date is locked in.



Please get in touch with your account team should you have any questions. We will keep you informed of progress and any changes should they emerge.